2016 Garden Party

It’s only 2½ weeks until the Katipatch Garden Party! That’s 2½ weeks of panic about getting the weeding all done in time and stressing that we won’t get a sunny day, or I won’t have enough quilts or………a million other things, but somehow on the day most of these things don’t matter and it ends up being just a wonderful day for everyone. If you have a quilt or 2 you can loan me for the day I would be very grateful. Please remember this is an airing of the quilts, not an exhibition, so ANY quilt will do!
For those of you who don’t know, the Garden Party is on from 9.30am – 3.30pm on Sunday 7th February. We have quilts hanging in the garden, live music, other craft stalls and refreshments (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea) available. Of course, Katipatch will be open! $2 entry ensures you will have a lovely day. Everyone welcome.

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