Garden Party 2018

On Sunday 4th February we will be holding our ninth annual Garden Party. Keep your fingers crossed for fine weather as we cannot hang quilts in the rain. So, as long as it’s fine, we open the gates at 9.30am and send everyone on their way at 3.30pm. We will have quilts airing on the clotheslines in the garden (if you have one or two you can lend me for the day, that would be fantastic), music from guitarist Peter Thompson and the delightful Picking Daisies, morning and afternoon tea, and lunches offered by the St Pious X group of ladies (delicious food for a very reasonable cost) and other craft people with stalls around the property. There is plenty of off-street parking and it costs $2 to get in.

If the weather is doubtful there will be updates here on this blog and on my Facebook page.