Back to normal

Well, what a ride this has been! Fantastic news that we can all resume life as “normal” now (except for any trips overseas, of course). Our team of 5 million has proven that by working together we can beat the odds. It’s sad that there have been repercussions from both the virus and the lockdown, but without the stringent measures it doesn’t bear thinking about what the results might have been on both our health and the economy. So well done to all.

This of course means that Katipatch is resuming all usual business with none of the previous restrictions in place. Classes will begin again next week from 15th June – Tuesday sewing, Beginners and Friday Friends.

If you have the government Covid 19 tracking app, please use the QR code by the door as you enter. Hand sanitiser will still be available. I believe it’s critical to keep up the practices we have begun to lessen the chance of ending up with another outbreak.

Kia kaha, noho ora. Stay strong, stay healthy.

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