Garden Party

Sunday 1st February is fast approaching! My team of volunteers is alert and at the ready, the quilts are beginning to arrive for hanging early on the day, the craftspeople are organising their gazebos and products for sale and display, the musicians are tuning their guitars and voices, the church ladies are planning the food, and the garden is pretty well sorted, so it’s only down to the weather to behave itself. After all of this stunning summer sunshine, it would be heartbreaking to have to call it off when all of this preparation has gone on, but due to the fact that I am hanging other people’s beautiful handwork in the garden, I cannot allow them to get wet. So, if there is any possibility it will rain, then the day will not go ahead.

However, we proceed as if it will be another stunner – gates open at 9.30am and it’s all over by 3.30pm. Entry fee this year is $2 for a donation to the new Katikati St John’s Ambulance Station.

Please come along and enjoy yourself – it will be a very pleasant day.

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