Category Archives: Katipatch News

Katipatch reopens for business

Katipatch will be reopening on Monday 18th under strict conditions in accordance with the government’s advice of Covid-19 Level 2. We will open from 9am – 4.30pm each day as usual, however there will be a limit of 2 customers in the shop at once, so you may have to wait outside. Before you enter […]

Temporary Online Ordering Closure

It is with a heavy heart that I must notify you that I can no longer process online orders, as I am not considered an essential business. Even though I work alone from home, the collection and delivery by the courier drivers puts their lives at risk and in these times everyone deserves the right […]

Covid-19 News

The Covid-19 outbreak has caused us to close the Katipatch shop temporarily until all danger of transmitting the virus is passed. Because I work alone from home, our online shopping portal remains open as usual, so please feel free to shop in this way. We will notify our customers when we again feel free to […]

Garden Party 2020

Be sure to pack your hat and sunscreen when you come along to our Garden Party as the weather is sure to be hot. Sunday 2nd February is the date to arrive sometime between 9.30am and 3.30pm. Allow yourself plenty of time to admire the 80+ quilts hanging on the clotheslines, sample the delicious food […]

Foundation-pieced Block

This block is a 9 inch Daffodil pattern, designed by Kohatu Patterns. Click on the link below which will download to your device. Daffodil Pattern The pattern is part of a six block series called Grandmother’s Garden. The remaining patterns in the quilt can be found here on Craftsy.


One of our Friday Friends regulars, Del Mattingly, has written a poem in Pam Ayres style and has given me permission to post it here. FRIDAY FRIENDS   I go along to Katipatch on Friday every week. I go for inspiration and new fabric I must seek.  I take at least four projects ‘cause I […]

Easter Hours

The Easter Bunny is bringing me family members from New Plymouth and I will be spending every moment I can with them, so Katipatch will not be open over the long weekend. We will be closed from Friday to Monday, reopening Tuesday morning as usual. I wish you all a happy and safe weekend. Don’t forget […]

Sunflowers Class

Wouldn’t you just love a vase of these to place somewhere that can brighten your day? Del will be running a one-day class to teach you how to make them. Let your imagination run wild and make them in the colours to suit you – afterall, sunflowers come in a variety of colours now! Check […]

Japanese Neutrals

I just love opening a newly-arrived box and pulling out these mellow fabrics – a mix of wovens and prints in the Japanese Neutrals, all from Lecien – Mrs March and Yoko Saito’s Centenary collections. Bags and quilts in these fabrics appeal to most of us and will be classics for years to come. Now […]

Garden Party 2018

On Sunday 4th February we will be holding our ninth annual Garden Party. Keep your fingers crossed for fine weather as we cannot hang quilts in the rain. So, as long as it’s fine, we open the gates at 9.30am and send everyone on their way at 3.30pm. We will have quilts airing on the […]

More Grunges arrive

Today I opened yet another delivery of Grunge fabrics. What is Grunge, you may ask, if you haven’t come across them before. The Oxford Dictionary describes Grunge thus: Informal   Grime; dirt. A style of rock music characterized by a raucous guitar sound and lazy vocal delivery. Example sentence: The fashion associated with grunge rock, including […]

It’s all over! This year’s Garden Party was spectacular!

If you didn’t make the Garden Party yesterday, you missed out on a very special day. The weather could not have been better – it was sunny with a very light breeze and the temperature sat around 27°. As the people poured in and the musicians hit their straps the atmosphere started to build and […]

2017 Annual Garden Party

Our big event of the year will be held on Sunday 5th February from 9.30am – 3.30pm Quilts hanging in the garden, live music, food and beverages available, craft stalls. It’s an event not to be missed! $2 entry. Plenty of off-street parking. If the weather is doubtful check back here for cancellation notice; we […]

New Packs

I always get the same feeling when the postie arrives at my door with a box – that kid feeling you get at birthdays and Christmas. Oooh I wonder what’s inside…… Today he delivered these delicious precuts and I was excited! Find more information about Olive’s Flower Market here And about Darling Little Dickens here […]

Quilt Challenge

Nutex Wholesalers have just released a new panel called Map of Aotearoa, which is now available from Katipatch. Nutex are running a challenge in conjunction with this release. Make a quilt using this panel and you could win a Mystery Weekend for 2 in New Zealand, including return flights for 2 people and 2 nights […]

Holiday Shopping Hours

Katipatch will be closing at 3pm on Friday 23rd December 2016 and reopening on Wednesday 4th January 2017 at 9am. Usual hours of 9am – 4.30pm apply. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you are travelling please keep safe on the roads. Patience and courtesy means everyone reaches their […]

Christmas Lunch

Christmas is fast approaching! This is a time of gathering and enjoying each other’s company. Every year we invite all of our customers (and a friend, if you wish) to our annual Christmas pot-luck lunch. Just arrive at around midday on Friday 16th Dec with your plate and enjoy the conviviality of other ladies. We […]

DMC Lucky Draw

To celebrate 270 years of threadmaking, DMC have created Mouliné 24K Golden skein Limited Edition Deluxe Box Set valued at $175.00. There are only 17460 created for the whole world and only 10 for New Zealand. These 10 will be won in a lucky prize draw. This is a unique opportunity for you to obtain one […]

Cathedral Windows class

I have just completed the second round of Cathedral Windows by machine – it has been one of the most popular classes I have run for a while. The ladies all worked really hard on their project and the results were stunning as you can see from the photos. I am sure they will have […]

Closed for Christmas break

Today, Tuesday 22nd Dec, is the last day for shopping at Katipatch in 2015. We are taking a break until 5th January 2016, when we will open the doors again, all refreshed for the new year. However, the website is available 24/7, so if you are desperate for anything, you can still shop! Thanks to […]

Christmas Lunch

All Katipatch customers are invited to join us for our traditional pot-luck lunch on Friday 18th December to enjoy some conviviality of the season. Just bring a small plate of something to share and we will provide the beverages and Christmas cake. We usually get underway around midday. See you then.  

Lesley’s Travel Duffle Bag

A Katipatch customer has recently made one of our byAnnie bag patterns (Travel Duffle Bag) using one of our William Morris fabrics and we were blown away with the result. I thought you’d like to see the result. Lesley made some comments which may be useful to anyone making any of byAnnie’s patterns: I recommend (as […]

William Morris is here

Just arrived, a shipment of reproduced William Morris fabrics by quilt historian Barbara Brackman for Moda. A gorgeous range which includes “Strawberry Thief”, “Anemone”, “Willow Boughs”, “Grafton” and “Honeysuckle” as well as three delightful “Marigold” blenders.

Bunting is back

Whenever I get bunting panels in they disappear very quickly, and I’m sure this one will be no different. Ahoy bunting is in the traditional seaside colours of red, white and blue and comes as a 60cm panel. Each panel has 16 flags with 8 featuring pictures of lighthouses, beach huts, yachts, an anchor and […]

We are so honoured!

We have been given the honour of hanging Melanie Martin’s award-winning quilt at our Garden Party tomorrow! Melanie won the Best in Show Award at the 2015 Aotearoa Quilters’ Exhibition at National Symposium in Palmerston North last week with her quilt, “Is It Art?” Melanie based her design on graffiti which she had photographed over […]

Garden Party

Sunday 1st February is fast approaching! My team of volunteers is alert and at the ready, the quilts are beginning to arrive for hanging early on the day, the craftspeople are organising their gazebos and products for sale and display, the musicians are tuning their guitars and voices, the church ladies are planning the food, […]

Seasonal Closure times

At the end of the year I am ready for a break, so Katipatch will be closed from Wednesday 24th of December and reopening on Monday 5th January, 2015. I would like to sincerely thank all of my customers, clients and friends in the industry for a wonderful, sometimes challenging, but always interesting year. Thank you for your […]

It’s only one month till Christmas Day!

Christmas is not far away now, and although I’m not in panic mode yet, I am beginning to think it’s time to plan. A few pressies have been purchased, but very little organisation has taken place, so the lists need to start! We aren’t having the full family time this year, but that means that […]

Thomas has arrived!

He has been eagerly awaited by many Grandmothers and mothers, and finally he has arrived! Thomas and his friends, Gordon, Percy and James have chuffed into Katipatch in the form of a dear little book celebrating colours and numbers, a scenic fabric, number balls and a lovely border print. See them at and  

Welcome back, Steam-a-Seam II Lite

The arrival of this package has got me more excited than usual! We have been without Steam-a-Seam II for about a year with the problems in production, and although there were options offered from other companies, nothing quite matched up. Well, it is back in stock and has even more! For the same price as […]

Sausalito Cottage Range

This is about the most beautiful hydrangea fabric you could imagine. The colours are soft mauve, through wisteria to deep purple. The main fabric has delicious bunches of hydrangeas set on a pearlised ivory background. The matching script and roses fabrics are to die for! See them on the website under Fabric, metreage

Italian Vineyards

Last year it was Paris structures in black and cream. This year it’s Italy! This fabric range is stunning with sepia-toned pictures of Italian monuments, bridges, towers and notable architecture, interspersed with maps, stamps, place names and plump, juicy grapes that look like they could be plucked off the fabric. These grapes also feature on […]

Blocks of the Month

Commonly known as BOMs, I have recently added FOUR  to my list, including From the Coast With Love by McKenna Ryan, as mentioned in a previous post. The three others are Garden Home by Kathy Schmitz , Daisy Chain Cottage by Lynette Anderson  and Blooming Fantasy by Helen Stubbings At this stage the only […]

African Safari

As the winter chill sets in, my mind heads towards a spell in warmer climates. This fabric arrived on my doorstep and instantly I wanted to head off to Africa! The pictures are digitally printed, so are absolutely outstanding. The matching blender is batik-like and would create the perfect background for the animal blocks. The […]

From the Coast With Love

I have ordered this stunning new set of patterns from McKenna Ryan. I was blown away when I first saw them – they could be any coast around NZ! I haven’t ordered the otter, as he seemed wrong to me – the colour isn’t right for the other subtle blocks.The set comes with instructions for […]

New Books

There has been an influx of books arriving recently. Some are for the patchworker, some for the embroiderer, and some just because….. First up is Pillow Pop, a book filled with 25 pillows and cushions of modern style by 20 different designers. These are truly gorgeous, fun and inspirational. Block, Borders, Quilts! is filled with […]

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